Ajay, age 56, had been working as an orthopedic for decades at a renowned hospital. While he earned a comfortable living, he also found that he was becoming increasingly burned out with too many investments and insurance plans for him and his family with the constantly changing tax laws. Almost daily, he began to dream of retirement – counting the days until the weekends, and the hours until the end of the workday. However, even after all these years of saving, he had no idea if he was ready to retire. What would he do about post-retirement expenses and health insurance? Did he have enough to live on – for the rest of his life – without working?
FINSENSE invited Ajay in for an initial meeting to see if he and the experienced financial advisors at FINSENSE are a good fit. Once it is determined that we are, we would then perform a thorough analysis of Ajay’s assets, liabilities, income streams, and anticipated medical costs in retirement, using our financial planning software and scenario testing to help him decide if his job has become… OPTIONAL! A long-term analysis of his cash flow determined that once his investments were optimized, he had more than enough to generate the retirement income he desired for the rest of his life.
Even if the first few years would require some heavy portfolio restructuring, the analysis revealed that once his insurance is in place and the required SWP for his retirement began, he would have more than enough income to live comfortably throughout retirement.
Ajay would be able to confidently inform his hospital that it was time for him to retire, and within a year, he can transition to a new, exciting, and rewarding phase of his life!
Alivio offers as many journals it takes, tackling different areas such as anxiety. Alivio offers as many journals it takes.
Alivio offers as many journals it takes, tackling different areas such as anxiety. Alivio offers as many journals it takes.